I admire clean surfaces, minimalism and simple lifestyles in my living area and am slowly reducing my possessions. I read organizing sites every few months to get the chaos that I frequently live in under control. I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and go through burn/bust energy cycles every few months. It's helpful to have fewer possessions to maintain for those times when I am in a relapse and am unable to keep house.
The real question is how to combine the need for minimalism and the requirements of the hobby in my sewing area. Those who sew know it's easy to have a sewing area that is a mess when you're in the middle of a project. As I've gotten older, I find that maintaining an organized area is necessary for me to think. I feel disjointed somehow when in the middle of clutter yet I find myself living in chaos more often than not!
Sewing Storage for Small Spaces
I think the answer to both of these issues is adequate storage. I've been on the internet looking at sewing room images and have seen the most beautiful sewing areas! Usually you see fabrics, threads and other notions displayed on open shelves or racks on the wall. This wouldn't work for me because it would require too much upkeep. There will be times when I'll be unable to sew for a few months at a time. All those open display areas would only collect dust and I would have to spend hours cleaning before I could jump in again.
An option would be baskets or bins on shelves. I have one oak armoire that is housing my TV but until I get a flat screen - that's what it will be used for. I have two other 4' cabinets, a tall set of book shelves and a wider, shorter one. I have one sterlite container which currently houses my stash and notions but I expect that to change as I get back into sewing! A few other boxes are used for storing patterns I've collected over the last few years. Baskets are scattered all over the house used for various things. I have a body double that I picked up at a thrift store and that's it for my sewing supples at the present time! Oh yes - forgot my machine! I currently have a Euro-Pro 6131A that was given to me last year.
Decor and Colors

Whatever I choose for my sewing area will also be used for the colors in my bedroom because they will be one and the same. I have mid-century modern bedroom furniture in dark wood. I would prefer to have white furniture but again, I have to take the budget into consideration. Unfortunately, my other storage cabinets don't match but I'll have to make do.
I live in an over-55/disabled apartment complex and we aren't allowed to paint the walls. They are a warm off white. I have two windows and currently have brown tapestry valences with mini blinds hanging. I might swap the lace curtains from the living room and see how it looks.
I'm buying my sewing table components from Ikea and have just realized that adding a white desk to the area would just be another mismatched piece. Better to have wood grain and at least all storage units would be made out of some kind of wood!
So much for planning - we'll see what I actually come up with!
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